Vero and Tom are a perfect team, a dream couple. Since they are 17, they experience all the first times that can be experienced together: The first sex, the first vacation, the first apartment together. And soon their first child? They are still too young for that, say both, 28 and 29 years old. But is that really the reason? Or are they afraid of missing out on something because they've always been together?
A couple who are friends try an open relationship. It wouldn't be for Vero and Tom, they decide after a long discussion. But what about a temporary break? After all, you don't value enough what you have if you can't compare it at all. Thanks to this break, this "last round", they would also avoid having to make up for something at some point. At first it's just a fleeting thought, then a funny idea, and at some point Vero and Tom get serious.
Their deal: They are single for a year and can do whatever they want. Dates, affairs, one-night stands, solo trips. Everything they could never do before, they can now experience. They meet once a month, on "their bench" on the hill above Zurich and tell each other what they have experienced. They want to remain familiar and be there for each other. But they must not interfere with each other or give each other a bad conscience. The exercise can only be broken off if both agree. And the most important thing: after one year they are and will remain together - forever and ever.